Voting Resources and Opportunities


Become a Poll Worker
  • Illustration of a person voting and a poll workerDid you know that the United States is facing a nationwide poll worker shortage? Usually, 56% of poll workers (the people who staff polling places on election day) are over the age of 60, but this year they aren’t signing up due to COVID-19. Unless younger Americans step up, the resulting shortage of poll workers could mean closed polling places and long delays in communities across the country. This is especially problematic for communities of color and working-class communities.

  • How can you help? Register to serve as a poll worker. Visit to learn more and apply to serve as a poll worker on election day. The great news is that in most locations, poll workers are paid! So you can get paid, protect our older community members and ensure a safe and fair election for all. Sounds great, right?!

  • For those on campus: To become a poll worker in Waltham, you must be 16 years or older, registered to vote in Massachusetts, attend training and be available to serve the entire day.

  • Otherwise, you can check your eligibility by entering the address of your current residence (at home or on-campus). Then sign up today at and

  • If you have any questions or feedback, please contact Emma Kenney or Zoe Lazar.

New Voters College Mentor Program

College Students: Apply to be a New Voters Mentor - Join an impactful nonprofit to help high schools register student voters to amplify the youth electoral voiceIf you are interested in civic engagement and want to help amplify youth voices in today’s political climate, consider applying to be a New Voters College Mentor!! Mentors guide 1-3 mentees through running a voter registration drive in their high schools. The role requires a low time commitment (details on the application) but makes a huge difference in the mission of New Voters, a youth-led nonprofit working towards 100% voter registration of high school students across the country. Now more than ever, getting young people out to vote is so important!

New Voters Website